
If you love your partner, listen to him and respond to his feelings

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Relationships are not easy, but they are beautiful experiences. Their operation requires much more than romantic dinners and hot scenes in the bedroom.

One of the most important things a relationship needs for its success is communication. This is something that many people often overlook.

It's really sad how some people perceive love. It seems as if those good, old values about love and life have completely disappeared. People today don't feel like they have to communicate to make things work.

They simply leave. Or worse, they do everything to avoid their partner's feelings and pretend like nothing is happening.

Here are 6 reasons why acknowledging your partner's feelings and responding appropriately to them is very important:

1. No emotion is ever without reason

No matter what people experience, there is always a reason for it. Even when it doesn't seem like it. We are not upset, sad, angry or disappointed because we want to be. We feel that way because there is something that triggers those feelings in us. The sooner we deal with them and talk about them, the faster we can begin to heal.

2. Listening

By listening to their feelings and being available to them, you show a great deal of care and respect. This should go without saying. Being in a relationship with another person means that you love and care about them so much that you always want to see them happy.

Photo: envato

3. The feeling of the partner

There can be no real intimacy in a relationship if you don't know exactly how your partner feels. There can be no love. There is no proximity. There is no connection. Nothing. A relationship without sincerity, trust and communication is doomed to failure.

4. No one wants to have their feelings ignored

My feelings matter. And yours are just as important. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Just because your partner doesn't want to validate and respond to your feelings doesn't mean you're not worthy of love. The problem is him, not you.

5. If we don't talk about it, we'll never understand it

This is the main reason why most couples decide to separate and most marriages end in divorce. People don't want to listen. They don't want to put themselves in someone else's shoes for a moment and see what it's like to be on the other side of the story. If only we could learn to be a little more compassionate, this world would be a much better place to live.

Photo: envato

6. The more open we are about our feelings, the stronger our relationship

When we finally decide to open our eyes and look beyond what we see, we will understand that we are all the same after all. We all laugh, we all cry, we all dream, we all have needs...

Only the way we express these emotions differentiates us from each other. The way we treat those who are different from us, however, determines our nature. When we choose to accept and open up to those we love, we choose to accept them as well. This is how we grow together. By respecting mutual differences and solving problems together.

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