
When you really love someone - you never give up on them!

Photo: Pixabay / Pexels

There is no logic in love. Sometimes nothing you think of makes sense. The only thing you can believe in is your feelings.

When you love someone, you are ready for them to do everything. When a loved one doesn't like what you do, you try that to do otherwise, to suit her.

If she asks you to leave her alone, yes you let. If she asks for help, her you help. If he makes a mistake and it hurts you, you forgive.

You give your loved one every chance. Yes you withdraw and you wait.

If he leaves you you suffer and you want her back. If it comes back, you start over. You don't set conditions, you don't judge.

You do all those weird, funny things you never thought you would. You feel it is so right.

The only thing that matters to you is that you love this person. I would do anything for her to be with her. To be happy. To her helped. Your heart knows it's the only right thing to do. It knows no reason, no boundaries, no logic, no self-image.

But love is also complicated. If you love someone who doesn't take you seriously. If that person doesn't see you the way you see them. You are not interested in her. He may not even know you exist.

And you just wait for him to notice you and hope that one day your love will return.

Does he even know I exist? Photo: Toni Ferreira / Pexels

Common sense tells you to withdraw, to forget about crazy dreams and hopes. He says you have to give up impossible love out of self-love and move on with your life.

But something inside you tells you to do a little more waited. How long? As long as you can. As long as there is uncertainty. Only quit when it becomes certain that your love will never be returned.

They will tell you that you deserve someone who will respect you, love you, adore you. Someone who will be you returned the feelings and who will be there for you. That's so reasonable. This is understandable.

They want you to understand that love and relationships are not always the same and that it is love can be unconditional. But that in relationships there are tactics, conditioning, boundaries, compromises, reciprocity that is achieved, learned, maintained.

Unconditional love it transcends ego and personality, but when building relationships, ego and personality are constantly at play, and cannot be transcended or ignored.

You know about yourself and your love what no one else knows.

If you give up, you might not find what they say you deserve. You will not be happy, you will live with a feeling of emptiness, without something without which you do not feel alive.

If you love someone in this way, then love is enough for you. You don't have to give it up and you can continue to do everything in the spirit of love.

Love, everything you have inside of you. Is it worth it? What is the criterion? No one can tell you that, that is matter of your heart.

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