
If you talk to yourself, it is a sign that you are very intelligent

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Have you ever caught yourself talking to yourself? Do you find this habit unusual or perhaps even worrisome? Don't worry, you're not alone.

Do you ever talk to yourself? The fact is, what may seem like unusual behavior at first glance, actually can be a sign of high intelligence. Self-talk is not only a way to calm down or organize your thoughts, but it can also be an effective way to make decisions.

Why is this habit useful and how does it relate to intelligence?

Sometimes you catch yourself talking to yourself. You may find yourself doing this unconsciously while you are doing household chores, mulling over your plans, or going about your daily tasks.

Psychologists have researched this occurrence of inner conversation and linked it to many positive effects. One interpretation is that this is a characteristic of intelligent individuals. For example, Albert Einstein he is said to often silently repeat certain sentences to himself.

Thoughts whisper words. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Talking to yourself means you are confident, that you have experience in life and that you are aware of your inner needs. It also shows that you have a strong inner connection that allows you to rely on yourself and your abilities.

Expressing your thoughts out loud can help to organize confused thoughts in the head. This process allows you to review your problems, plans or dilemmas. This can help you gain a clearer understanding of the challenges you face and help you make decisions that align with your values and goals.

It can improve brain function. For example, participants in one experiment had to remember items from a shopping list. Those who did it out loud remembered more items than those who did it silently. This shows the connection between visualization and verbalization and how it can affect our ability to remember and understand.

The power of self-talk is not limited to better brain function, but it is related to easier achievement of goals. Self-talk can help you make lists of goals and allow you to focus better on the way to them. This makes it easier for you to deal with problems and obstacles that may appear on the way, and to maintain your motivation.

So it turns out that talking to yourself it's not just something out of the ordinary or occasionally unpleasant. On the contrary, it is a sign of high intelligence and the ability to organize thoughts and make decisions.

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