
If you think you're good in bed, check if you have these qualities!

People who have these five qualities are considered true lovers - you will find out why below!

1. Never judge. You are open to the different wishes and needs of your partner.

2. You are innovative. Always looking for new levels of excitement in bed (or other interesting places) and pushing the limits.

3. You know how to put the needs of others before your own. It is important to you to treat your partner the way you would like him to treat you.

Don't be afraid to push the boundaries.
Don't be afraid to push the boundaries.

4. We would try everything (at least once). Of course, there are limits for you too, beyond which you will not go, but small experiments in bed contribute to your rich sexual appetite.

5. You have self-confidence. People who are confident in themselves are not afraid of other people's opinions, so they can face it more easily in bed as well.

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