
If you want good things, don't ask a woman these questions

Women are from Venus and men are from Mars. That's why communication is sometimes difficult between us. And if you want to avoid unnecessary arguments, avoid these five questions. Will it work?

Women have their own language and will always understand things their own way. That's why avoid these 5 questions as much as possible!

What's for dinner?

A woman may hear: "Your place is in the kitchen. I don't care what you did all day. Dinner is your duty, but I am hungry.”

Why does this question annoy women? At this moment, a woman feels that most of the household chores are still on her shoulders. Even though she works all day and may earn more than her partner.

Will you be around long?

A woman may hear: "While I'm sitting in the car waiting for you to pack the kids, feed the dog, wrap the birthday present and lock the house, I wonder why it's taking you so long?!"

Why does this question annoy women? Because this shows that you don't really understand what all needs to be done before leaving. If a woman left it to a man, they would come to the birthday without a present, diapers and bottles for the baby. They would most likely forget to lock the house, and the puppy would starve.

"Will you be around long?"
"Will you be around long?"

What was your ex like?

A woman may hear: "I don't like the thought of being with someone else. I actually want to hear that he was a complete idiot and that you couldn't wait for them to break up.”

Why does this question annoy women? Ex-partners are a private matter that has nothing to do with the current relationship. If a woman does not want to talk about past relationships, men immediately think that the woman is hiding something. We all have secrets we don't want to talk about. This must be accepted.

Who were you talking to?

A woman may hear: "I don't trust you. I don't like you talking to other men. You are only mine. Don't ever forget that."

Why does this question annoy women? Because at the moment they feel like an object and not a person. We all need friends. Just because she smiled at someone doesn't mean she wants to sleep with him.

"Who were you talking to?"
"Who were you talking to?"

Don't you think you should go to the gym?

A woman may hear: "You're fat because you don't exercise. If you gain any more weight, I will leave you.”

Why does this question annoy women? Because then they feel they have to be different to be accepted. Men don't realize that an extra bar of chocolate for women is a way to fight an overbearing boss or a tireless child.

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