
If you watch porn before your first date, you have a better chance of success!

Porn before a date

If your last few dates have been unsuccessful, we have a tip for you that is worth trying. Watch porn before a date and you'll have a better chance of getting another.

First date is always the hardest. If you look in front of it pornography, you have a better chance of success. The professor came to this conclusion Gurit Birnbaum, who says that the thought of sex makes us more willing to open up to others. Openness, confidence and sincerity but those are the qualities that make us so much more attractive to others, so you consequently have a chance to get a second date.

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Will you try?
Will you try?

It's that simple. She came to the conclusion based on the answers 246 male and female students. She showed the picture to some a naked man of the opposite sex, and to others a fish. Among other things, students who saw a nude photo were more eager to go on a blind date. So our first date advice is to try to be as open and honest as possible if it helps pornographic content, but also right.

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