
If your boyfriend does one of these 10 things… he wants to control you!

Successful men can have serious problems finding a woman who is compatible with them: who is smart, successful in her business and sexy as only a confident woman can be. They have a need to control everything, but that simply does not work in love and relationships.

Every woman you try to control will eventually slam the door. Her desire is not to be an obedient puppy or a puppet that you can control as you wish, because she has the same rights as you.

If you show any of the signs below for a man who wants to control her, prepare for her to leave. Your ideal woman would rather find someone else than allow your fears to destroy her dignity.

10 Signs You're A Man Who Wants To Control Her

1. You are her personal weight watcher - even if she didn't ask you to be

You don't like her figure and her lips are too thin. For the past two months, you've even been promising her that you'll take her on holiday to tropical places - but only if she gets in shape.

You ask her to go to the gym with you because it's important to you that both of you are in shape. You think she should know how important this is too, even though she's wearing the same dress number as when they went on their first date.

If it doesn't have a "fall down" build, you also don't want to go on vacation with her. You started following her every bite and make her feel bad about him.

You know what? The more you control her, the harder it will be for her to lose weight. And to top it all off, before you know it, you'll be traveling to the Maldives on your own. This is her body, these are her curves. If he wants to eat a cheeseburger or even a pizza, he has every right to do so! She can decide what to do with her body. So, you will have to love her body as she loves it, or someone else will soon adore her curves.

You are her personal weight watcher - even if she didn't ask you to be.
You are her personal weight watcher - even if she didn't ask you to be.

2. You constantly give her advice without her asking for it

You are extremely fond of advising her and helping her in every possible way. You think you know what's best for her and you want her to always make the right decisions in life. If you were her, you wouldn't want her to appear stupid to others, or worse, to embarrass her man.

What eventually happens in such cases? She gets so used to following your advice that she ends up thinking she wouldn't even know how to live on her own. In time she will not know how to make decisions without consulting you.

That's not the strong and sexy woman you want, is it? And you have yourself to thank for that!

3. You seem like her GPS

You take her to work every morning, pick her up again every evening, so you know where she is almost all the time. At first, she'll think you're the man of the year because you do so much for her. You know her schedule almost better than she knows herself. You don't get away with anything.

You do the same on weekends. You demand that he check in every hour to make sure he's not cheating on you. But your lack of trust is tiring and he is really hard to deal with day after day. She will start staying outside longer and longer and you will find that she is avoiding you.

Since you could not control your fears, it will harm your relationship. Your obsessive possessiveness has crossed all lines, and it's hard to live with. If you don't want to lose her, you're going to have to loosen the reins on her allow life to live outside of your relationship as well. The moment you give her space, she will think twice if she really wants to replace you with someone else.

You seem like her GPS.
You seem like her GPS.

4. You expect him to be available to you at all times

You haven't spoken to her in an hour and you have no idea why she won't call or text you. You expect her to satisfy all your needs and calm all your insecurities. If he doesn't do it on time, you feel like things are out of control.

You believe your life is more important than hers because you're the one wearing the pants! But she however, it has a life of its own and does not need to be constantly on standby, to respond to you at the moment you want to see/hear it.

But maybe what you really want is a passionate woman who loves life; if you want her to still be the way she was when you met her, don't take that passion away from her and destroy what you long for deep inside.

5. You spoil her with gifts

You want to win her heart by taking her to the newest restaurants and best events in town. You are a real specialist in pampering your woman. You think that if you give her everything she wants—from vacations to purses—she won't leave. But the moment you want to go your own way, a certain anxiety will wake up in you that will not let go.

Then you will be tempted to tell her how well you treat her and what you give her. You will tell her that no other man will ever give her what you give her. Only you can give her the whole world.

You have to understand this: her love has no price. All she really wants from you is love. The gifts were nice, but they never meant that much to her. The real gold for them was only your heart; all jewelry is like ordinary metal in a box to her.

You spoil her with gifts.
You spoil her with gifts.

6. You force her to get her way with words

Everyone who knows you knows that you are good at twisting words. You are like a magician who turns all negative statements in your favor. When you speak, you charm people so much that they blush without words.

You are like that with women too. You can get virtually any woman to give in to your sweet words for a moment. You know how to make a woman think that she is the only one in the room, and this is also your heart's desire.

But in an instant, when you feel a bit of resistance, your persistence and persuasion are already in a higher gear. Because you focus only on your goal, you are able to resort to "devilish" tactics until you finally conquer it. When this happens, however, your desire to influence does not subside at all.

After all, you have to keep it exactly where you want it to be. But unfortunately, it's only a matter of time before your charm will wither, like the most beautiful rose. Then she will wonder if you even love her or if she was just your trophy. Was this even a real relationship? All she ever wanted was true, eternal love.

7. Only you are important

If it's not your thing, it's quite difficult with you. At that time turns your aggressive nature into childish outbursts, which fly at anyone who happens to be in your vicinity at the time.

Since you have an angry character, your woman often wonders whether she should even oppose your opinion and demands. She will ask about it, even if you actually value her opinion. Over time, she will notice that her words fall on deaf ears, and it will happen that she will get tired of it at some point. Like you, she wants to be heard and understood. It is only a matter of time before she realizes that there is a world of more beautiful colors elsewhere, and she finds a man who truly appreciates her and likes to listen to her voice.

Only you are important.
Only you are important.

8. You isolate her from family and friends

You want to be the only one in her life. You perceive everyone else as a threat to this supreme position. The thought of him spending time with his family or friends eats you up because he's not giving you his full attention then. Every time she mentions that her brother called her, you dig into her and want to know all the details of their conversation. You can't stand that there is another man in her life, even if it's just a family member.

You start telling her how much you love her and that her family won't always be there for her, but you will be. Slowly but surely, she loses her friends because you demand her full attention all the time.

You are not everything to her. Over time, she will begin to miss her friends and the life she once lived. She will long for the crazy nights out with her friends and the boring fishing stories her father used to tell her. She will realize that she wants to rekindle these relationships. No matter how much she adores you, she'll want something more then, because that's the only way she'll be able to feel joy and fulfillment again.

9. You follow the motto: "Do as I say, not as I do"

You can do whatever you want, but she has to check what you think before she plans anything. Are you a man who likes to roam around the city, checking with his friends where something is happening and, without letting her know what your plans are, doesn't return home until dark.

Her evenings out with friends usually involve a leisurely dinner; going to bars is out of the question for her unless she goes there with you. And when word gets around the women's evening, a real war breaks out between you. At that time, it seems as if you want to protect her in a fatherly way, but in reality it is only about an attempt to tame her wild spirit. But you can't do that.

It is this wild side that attracts you the most and excites you more than anything else in the world. Trust, respect and loyalty are the foundations of every union between two equal partners. If you cannot respect her as she respects you, she will soon start looking for a way to freedom and independence. And you won't be there.

 "Do as I say, not as I do."
"Do as I say, not as I do."

10. Your love is not unconditional

As long as she obeys your rules, your love for her is like a river that overflows its banks and waters the surrounding fields, making them fertile. I would do anything to make her happy, from breakfast in bed to a romantic candlelit dinner under a balmy sky. You're putting her on a pedestal - the very pedestal you throw her off of the minute she mentions going on a trip with her friends. Your words are suddenly no longer sweet. And she will slowly have enough of this emotional wall that grows between you so many times. Alone you think that by withdrawing your love you will make her fear that she will lose you, but in reality you are only pushing her away from you.

All the listed points have something in common: YOUR FEAR. All you really need to do is talk to her about your feelings. When you open up to her, you will become closer and bond more strongly. When you rationally process your emotions, they will be balanced again, and your fears will be calmed. Your powerful woman can provide you with this very important sense of balance - and it only awakens when your primary goal is not control.

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