

No kidding? Absolutely. iGrill is a wireless thermometer for preparing (boiled or baked) food that checks the temperature and the remaining time until the food is ready for us. It is, of course, intended for the i-family (iPod touch, iPhone or iPad), with which it exchanges data via Bluetooth ‒ with a much longer range...

No kidding? Absolutely. iGrill is a wireless thermometer for preparing (boiled or baked) food that checks the temperature and the remaining time until the food is ready for us. It is, of course, intended for the i-family (iPod touch, iPhone or iPad), with which it exchanges data via a Bluetooth connection - with a much greater connection range than we have been used to until now. iGrill not only allows you to check the degree of readiness of the food, but together with the attached software, it gives us access to practically everything related to food (various recipes and the like).

Price: around 100 euros, available at www.igrillinc.com

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