
Ikea's cafe serving breakfast in bed

Ikea's breakfast in bed

For everyone who has ever wanted to jump into one of the comfortable Ikea beds while visiting Ikea, Ikea has now made it possible to do just that. In London, she opened a cafe where we are served breakfast in bed.

Ikea opened in London these days a very special cafe. V Ikea Breakfast and Bed Café we can have breakfast for free from 7 o'clock in the morning until 3 o'clock in the afternoon. And in bed! That's right, Ikea made the wishes of many come true, as the Swedish mogul decided to spoil everyone who wanted a comfortable rest in their beds.

For visiting a cafe it is necessary to order via the email address IKEAbreakfastinbed@hopeandglorypr.com, and when visiting, the procedure is as follows: upon entering the cafe, leave his coat on the rack at the entrance, then let's order breakfast (you can choose from typical delicious Swedish breakfasts and relaxing herbal teas), choose a suitable pillow (you can choose from three different hardnesses) and choose a bed that also fits we lie down. Its cleanliness is properly taken care of, as the staff will change the bed linen after each guest. Great idea, you're welcome. Although it will Ikea's cafe is only open for a short time, we hope that the idea will spread to places closer to Slovenia...

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IKEA Breakfast and Bed Café
Blackall Studios
73a Leonard Street / EC2A 4QS


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