
IKEA in Ljubljana: IKEA opens in autumn 2020

IKEA is opening in Ljubljana in autumn 2020 and will be one of the most centrally located IKEA stores in the world. The Swedish retail provider of furniture solutions will invest 90 million euros in the construction of its IKEA Ljubljana store and plans to employ up to 300 people.

Slovenia will already be richer for the Swedish furniture giant in autumn 2020. It opens IKEA Ljubljana.

When completed, the 31,000 m2 IKEA store in Ljubljana will offer approx 9,500 furniture products excellent design and quality at affordable prices. She will also offer playground for children, restaurant with 450 seats, bistro, Swedish food shop, parking for more than 170 bicycles and 1000 cars, including 10 charging stations for electric vehicles and a station for renting city bikes.

IKEA in Ljubljana will offer around 9,500 furniture products on 31,000 m2.
IKEA in Ljubljana will offer around 9,500 furniture products on 31,000 m2.
Special attention will be paid to the introduction of many sustainable solutions, which will also have a positive impact on the neighboring community. IKEA Ljubljana will obtain 90 percent of the energy needed for its operation from renewable sources, including solar cells on the roof. Geothermal energy will be used for heating and rainwater for flushing and watering. They will plant on the green areas next to the store local tree species, and they will turn green also the roof. It will be organized separation of 23 types of waste, and a smart system will take care of wastewater treatment.

Symbolic laying of the foundation stone for the IKEA store in Ljubljana
Symbolic laying of the foundation stone for the IKEA store in Ljubljana

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