
Ikea placed a replica of a Syrian apartment in the store

Ikea with a replica of a Syrian apartment.

Ikea in Norway has teamed up with the Red Cross and installed a life-size replica of a Syrian apartment in its store in Slependen. It is typical for Ikea to display nicely furnished rooms that imitate a real home in its stores, but this pop-up apartment, which came as close as possible to the one 'on the ground', is the complete opposite and reflects the real situation in Syria. The installation has a charitable note, but at the same time reminds people how lucky they can be to live in the conditions they do.

Norway Ikea is in his shop in the town Mysterious set up a replica of a Syrian apartment Sorghum Wounds, mother of four children, who live with five other family members in a small, 25 square meters big two-room apartment in Damascus. The apartment is far from the kind we are used to seeing displayed in Ikea, as the front walls have been replaced concrete bricks, but the rest of the warmth it conjures is also missing Ikea furniture.

A replica of a Syrian home was set up in an Ikea store in Norway.
A replica of a Syrian home was set up in an Ikea store in Norway.

With a replica of the Syrian Ikea home and Red Cross point to alarming situation in war-torn Syria and offer an authentic insight into life there. A walk through a Syrian apartment makes one think, and Ikea reminds its customers who come to it to plan their future, how lucky they can be to live in the conditions in which they live. Instead of a soft sofa, a face rug and a warm bed, the apartment contains only a few pieces of worn furniture, a few mattresses and 'tired' home accessories, and instead of a price tag, these are furnished with a short story about Syrian refugees and calls for donations to the Red Cross.

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This is not the first time Ikea has come to the aid of refugees. Already in 2013 it launched living containers. They are manufactured by the company Better Shelter, a social enterprise founded by the Ikea Foundation.

Gallery - replica of a Syrian home in Ikea:

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