
Ikea Kramp: the trend of transforming Ikea furniture into unique pieces

Photo: Ikea

Today, there is hardly a household that does not have at least one piece of furniture with the signature of the Swedish brand Ikea. If you yourself are one of the big fans of furniture with his signature, but you still want to create an interior that will not look like a page in a cult catalog, there are simple solutions that turn the given piece of furniture into a unique one.

Thanks to the popular trend of hacking Ikea (Ikea Kramp), which in other words means hijacking IKEA furniture and accessories. You can add various furniture accessories to a classic piece of furniture; from handles, legs, handles and thus change the original appearance. You can change the purpose of the purchased furniture. You just need to use your imagination and have some manual skills. You can see some interesting ideas in the gallery...Tralala, for example.

Add extras

Handles, legs, hooks and other accessories change the basic look…

You take Ikea furniture as a basis and turn it into a completely new story that is unique!

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