
IKEA has recreated the famous living rooms of The Simpsons, Friends and Stranger Things with its furniture

IKEA: The Simpsons

Some spaces seem so familiar to us that we immediately feel at home in them, even though in reality we have never entered these spaces. If you grew up watching shows like The Simpsons and Friends and watch Stranger Things today, then you'll be very grateful to IKEA. They recreated these fictional living spaces with their furniture and thus transferred them to real life.

IKEA she showed her ingenuity again and only confirmed the fact that art imitates life and vice versa. Famous living rooms from the series The Simpsons, Friends in Stranger Things they have transferred to real life, as the slogan also testifies For Real Families (For real families).

In the campaign of the Spanish branch of the Publicis agency, every room appeals different types of consumers with different interests. Perhaps the closest to 'normality' is the living room from Friends. You probably won't need Christmas lights all year round to contact a missing boy like this, and maybe not an ironically round rug in the center of the living room, but it will definitely come in handy stools, which is also a storage box. But you will know best what you really need. In the gallery, you can see how they imagined everything at IKEA.

Gallery: IKEA recreates the famous living rooms of The Simpsons, Friends and Stranger Things with its furniture

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