
Ikea top 12 - the most popular Ikea products of all time

The most popular Ikea products of all time

Just like Lego blocks, each of us has an item from Ikea at home. Ikea has been on the scene since 1943. Since then, on average, it adds around 2,500 new products to its range every year. Some take better, others worse. Recently, its best-selling Poäng chair celebrated 40 years, and the Swedish furniture giant recently released its most popular products of all time.

You knew that Ikea every ten seconds somewhere in the world sells Billy bookcase? The Swedish furniture giant that is in 1943 founded at seventeen Ingvar Kamprad (in 2013 he was declared one of the richest Earthlings), regularly refreshes his offer, but some products do not disappear from the shelves even many years after their release, as they remain at the very top of popularity.

Ikea will soon grow in Ljubljana as well.
Ikea will soon grow in Ljubljana as well.

That's right Poäng armchair, such is the Billy bookcase. What about the rest? What are the others? timeless rushes Ikea?

READ MORE: Ikea Poäng - Ikea's best-selling armchair in history celebrates 40 years

Ikea top 12 - the most popular Ikea products of all time:

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