
Ikea x Byredo: Ikea announces perfume

Ikea never ceases to amaze. After announcing her collaboration with the fashion house Off White on Instagram, she has another surprise for us. The Swedish furniture giant announced that an Ikea perfume awaits us in the future.

In collaboration with a luxury brand Byredo will be Ikea prepared a new line of fragrances and candles. Although at Byred they are betting on consumers with thick wallets - candles cost around 80 euros, perfumes around 150 euros - we hope that in cooperation with Ikea they will prices more reasonable.


The question is what kind of smell to expect. Will it smell like the famous meatballs or cinnamon rolls? Or some stunning combination of the two? On Ikea's blog hint that it will be included as well cinnamon, but will still have to wait a bit. Perfumes are supposed to hit the shelves in 2019.

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