
Illuminations – Venice Biennale

Bice Curiger, an art historian from Zurich, known for many controversial exhibitions, is putting on the most high-profile art exhibition on a global scale this year. A huge number of artists are exhibiting on the theme of Illuminations in the pavilions of individual countries, and the exhibitions are complemented by numerous accompanying...

Important information
Giardini, Arsenale in ostale lokacije, Benetke
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Najodmevnejšo umetniško razstavo v svetovnem merilu postavlja letos Bice Curiger, umetnostna zgodovinarka iz Züricha, znana po mnogih kontroverznih razstavah. Na temo Illuminations v paviljonih posameznih držav razstavlja ogromno število umetnikov, razstave pa dopolnjujejo številni spremljevalni dogodki. V slovenskem paviljonu bodo razstavljeni Hipokrati Mirka Bratuša.

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