
Illustrations of girls you would like to meet in real life

Illustrations of girls

Laura Bernard is a talented illustrator from Australia who mainly draws girls that you would like to meet in real life. They are decorated with a unique style of clothing, and they all have realistic body proportions, which makes it easier to identify with them. The girl with the flower tattoo is the cutest for us, how about you?

A Melbourne woman Laura Bernard he almost exclusively draws girls. Many drawn individuals have unique tattoos, which you would like to have yourself.

READ MORE: Witty illustrations that summarize the lives of girls between the ages of twenty and thirty

Laura Bernard's cute girl.
Laura Bernard's cute girl

Bernard's bet on details – the girls are adorned with a unique design style of dress, characteristic pose and facial expression - that tell the story of an individual realistic proportions, which makes it easier to identify with them.

Gallery - illustrations Laure Bernard:

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