
Illustrations: love and intimacy between couples that you can feel

Illustrations: love and intimacy between couples that you can feel

Dreamy glances, gentle touches, longing and the eyes of a person in love are captured in illustrations that show how strong love between two people can be.

For many the artist it is not difficult to show love in illustrations, but to create drawings that, looking at them, make the admirer feel that feels what is drawn, it is hard. Yang Se Eun, Artistic Zipcy, is an artist from Korea who brings these strong feelings to the fore in her illustrations, which emphasize touches, dreamy looks and longing.

Sensual love.
Sensual love.

She started her artistic journey already at four years, when she created drawings while watching cartoons on television. She is known for her illustrations of a loving couple, which she creates using Photoshop. The creation of one drawing can take up to a week, and the greatest emphasis is placed on the eyes and colors, with which he wants to show true love.

How strong the love between two people can be, see in picture gallery with a series of photographs'Touch'.

Gallery: Love and intimacy between couples

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