
I am more than just a possibility! This is true love for me!

Photo: Envato

If you're with me, just be with me. I don't want to be someone you love only when he reciprocates.

I always demand to have the upper hand. I don't want half the love or half the attention. I don't want to be your backup plan. And I don't care about your excuses, your lies, your broken promises.

If you really love me, you must be sure that there is only me and no one else for you. Neither woman nor man.

You must prove your loyalty. You have to show me that I will be the only one who will love you. You need to give me the feeling that I'm safe and enough reasons why I shouldn't worry about you getting involved in another love affair.

I deserve to be more than a second option, more than an afterthought. I'm not the kind of person you hang out with just because you have no other choice. I'm not your plan B if plan A doesn't work. I'm not a replacement.

I'm not someone you only call when you need help or when you're lonely and ignore otherwise. I'm not someone who's there for you when you're mad at the world and want to complain, but you're not there for me when I'm in the same situation.

I don't want you to be with me and pretend, act like I'm the love of your life, just because the person who was with you before me let you down. Please leave me alone and don't add me to your long list to be an option when you get the chance.

I don't have the energy or time to play with you or anyone else. I'm not interested in quietly, patiently waiting for you to decide what you want. Would or wouldn't. Would you be with her or me?

Time is not unlimited. Time is important to me. When I fall in love, I want to be loved. I don't want to have a moment of doubt, not a split second of hesitation, not a single question in my mind.

I am what I am. Be with me or leave forever. Photo: Bruno Adam / Unsplash

When you fall in love with me, I want you to be my number one. I want you to put me at the top of your priority list. I want you to consider my emotions and feelings when making decisions. I want you to think of me not only when you are sad, but also when you are happy.

I demand that you treat me like I'm the only person in the world, like I'm the most amazing being in the world. I want to be special to you, just like you will be to me.

I can't give you all my heart if you only gave me part of yours. I need you to be with me with all your heart. I need your honest - yes when I ask you if you want to stay with me. I need your unwavering honesty and trust at all times.

I have no intention of getting into something I'm not sure about. I don't want to feel alone. I don't like this stupid, dangerous, reckless, childish, thoughtless, impulsive love.

I want a love that I can keep in my heart. A love that will make me fall asleep peacefully in your arms, knowing that you will be there when I wake up in the morning. You will always be there. Love will remain.

I want a person who will choose me and fight for me no matter what. I need a person who will not break promises and will be faithful. A man's values!

I'm not an option, I'm love!

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