Unfortunately, many people choose to stay in bad relationships because they are afraid of being alone. They assume that if you are alone, you will be lonely and unhappy.
Some people end a relationship and quickly find another partner because the thought of being alone is too scary for them. Even though their heart has been wounded, trust betrayed too many times, they no longer have the will to let someone into their heart again.
There's nothing wrong with being alone, it's just natural. When we are alone, we can change our way of perceiving partner relationships, our outlook on life and, above all, we have time to explore the hidden corners of our soul.
Don't be afraid of being alone, be afraid of toxic people, one-sided relationships, people who instill fear and feelings of inferiority in you.
Don't be afraid to be alone, be afraid to be with someone who doesn't let you be who you are.
Don't be afraid to enjoy your company. Be afraid to be with someone who does not accept and appreciate you for who you are. With someone who can't accept your flaws and is constantly trying to mold you into something they need. With someone criticizing your every move. With a person who makes you feel like you're not worthy, that nothing you do is and will never be good enough. With a person who doesn't let you do the things you enjoy and who doesn't respect your boundaries and limits your freedom. With someone who won't let you be direct, awkward, funny—just the way you are.
Don't be afraid to spend time with yourself, be afraid to spend time in bad company.
Don't be afraid to eat alone at your favorite restaurant or travel alone. Don't be afraid to do whatever you enjoy on your own. You are afraid of doing all this with someone who does not value you or the time spent with you. With someone you have nothing in common with.
Don't be afraid to sleep alone, afraid of waking up next to a stranger.
There's nothing wrong with going to bed alone and waking up alone, but fear that one day, in a relationship, you'll wake up next to a stranger. Fear that the charming, loving, kind, gentle and compassionate person you fell in love with will no longer be there. You are afraid that you will wake up next to a person who will stop loving you and you will no longer mean anything to them.
Don't be afraid to make a mistake, be afraid to be with the wrong person.
Mistakes are a part of life and they are often the most valuable lessons life can teach you. Don't be afraid of your mistakes because they teach you what you should or shouldn't do to feel good. The only mistake to be afraid of is being with the wrong person. With the person you will have to ask for his attention and love. A person who will fool you with sweet words and promises. A person who will have mixed feelings about you and question whether or not they should be in a relationship with you.
Don't be afraid to love, be afraid to love without feeling loved yourself.
You don't want to be with a person who focuses more on physical than emotional contact. With a person who will be good in bed but without genuine feelings, with a person who only cares about satisfying his needs. With a person who sees you as an object and not as a person with needs and wants. You don't want a person who won't make you feel warm and loving. People without emotions.
Do not be afraid of conversations, be afraid of communicating with a person who does not understand you.
Fear being with a person who is physically present but never listens to you. A person with whom you will have short, boring conversations because they have nothing important to say to each other. With a person who will criticize you and will not respect your ideas, opinions and views. With a person who will try to convince you that they are the only person who always knows what is right and what is wrong.
Don't be afraid to be alone, be afraid to be with a person who doesn't care about you.
You will learn to enjoy your own company. Be afraid to give yourself completely to a person who does not deserve even the smallest part of you. A person who treats you only as one of the options and never as a priority. A person who treats you with love and kindness only when they want to get something from you or when they need you to fill their ego.
You are afraid to be with a person who does not make you feel loved, protected and emotionally fulfilled.
With a person who can't hear your unspoken thoughts, who can't feel the emotions, the unspoken words, and who can't find their way into your soul. With a person who won't be brave enough to love you, to fight for you, who won't inspire you to become a better version of yourself.