
I'm not jealous, but I'm not naive either!

Photo: Bruno Van Der Kraan / Unsplash

When I'm in a relationship, I'm with a person I trust. The kind that stands by me when I'm down. With a person who I truly believe has his heart in the right place and we have mutual respect. I don't need jealousy.

I don't compete with other women and I don't compare my appearance to others. It is unique, it is only mine!

When you're with me, you can have friends. You decide yourself. I'm not with you to make decisions for you. You are yourself. Are you.

Until you give me a reason to believe otherwise, I will trust you endlessly. I won't check your phone or follow you when you go out for drinks with friends. I won't control you. You have your freedom, your friends, your life.

However, I will not allow you to take advantage of me. I won't let you spend time with your ex if it's clear she still wants you back. I will not allow you to text other women and send them inappropriate videos. I won't let you come home at three in the morning smelling of someone else's perfume.

I'm pretty lenient. But if you try to take advantage of my trust and deceive me, in any way, my trust will disappear. I won't forgive you.

Show me that I am your priority and I will love you endlessly. Photo: Filipp Romanovski / Unsplash
If I'm not checking you, it doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. You should respect my trust.

Just because I'm not browsing your phone doesn't mean you can download dating apps and flirt with other women. It means that I believe in you, that I trust you not to cheat on me - physically or emotionally.

If you show me that I can trust you, I will love you endlessly. But if you prove otherwise, that I can't trust you, I'll leave. I'm leaving your life.
I won't waste my time with you if you're vague.

I'm not a jealous person, but I'm not stupid either. If you hurt me, if you lie to me, if I'm not your priority, our story is over. I won't be with someone I can't trust.

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