
Imaginative photos of children fighting monsters of the night

Photographer Laure Fauvel is the author of an imaginative series of photographs in which 8- and 9-year-olds successfully fight night monsters.

Do you remember how hard it was to fall asleep as a child? Without a night light, a special blanket and mommy's kiss on the forehead for good night, it just wasn't possible. And then there were the shadows, which in the play of darkness and light became real monsters of the night. Not to mention what we all got under the bed! Photographer Laura Fauvel remembers these and similar childhood inconveniences more than well. She was inspired by the nocturnal "fun" for a series of photographs in which children play a leading role, fighting against their worst nightmares in various ways. Each of the monsters engages with their own weapons, including a magic wand and a sword, and the monsters definitely prevail, as they look like heroes in the photos. The photographer wanted to present children as heroes and not victims, as they still feel too often.

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