
Do you also have a crooked finger from holding your smartphone?

Crooked little finger as a result of using a smartphone

Tense neck, hunched posture, phone shoulder, wrinkles, disturbed sleep, "WhatsAppitis" (inflammation of the tendon due to the position of the thumb when searching and viewing applications), and now the list of consequences of excessive use of smartphones has included finger deformation! The specific position of the phone actually bends the little finger. Is yours too? Quickly check if you also have a bent finger from holding your smartphone.

Because excessive use of smartphones tax not only pays for our social life, but also health. Next on the list of consequences of excessive use of these smart toys is finger deformity, more precisely the little finger, which is helped by the specific way of holding the phone. Many people are already reporting this curved little fingers, caused by the position of the finger and the weight of the phone it is carrying. Many have already shared their "disfigured" finger on social networks.

READ MORE: Technology Detox: A 7-Day Smartphone Weaning Plan

Have you checked your little finger yet?
Have you checked your little finger yet?

Unlike other injuries, an injury to the little finger caused by using a smartphone is not dangerous. In the long run, however, excessive use of the phone can lead to osteoarthritis (the most common form of arthritis, which mainly affects cartilage), as the cartilage between the knuckles of the finger is deformed. This does not mean that you should stop using your smartphone, but you should avoid writing long messages every day. As with everything, it is here the key in moderation, and you have nothing to fear.

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