
The imperfections that make you so very special (according to your astrological sign)

Photo: Marta Wave / Pexels

We are not only defined by positive things and their qualities, mistakes and shortcomings are also part of the individual.

Astrology can reveal to you the specific characteristics of each individual sign – including those imperfections that make you endearing to others and that make you special.

Aries - Naivety

Aries are stubborn, strong, their will is unbreakable. They are childishly naive. With this endearing childlike quality comes their curiosity, which is why Aries are passionately committed to everything they do. They like to learn and learn new things. They are interested in everything and completely surrender to everything. They are very intelligent and constantly excited about everything.

Taurus - Contradictions

Bulls they want to surprise and impress others, and even more they want others to love them as they are. They say that they like to be alone, but they feel best in the company of people they love. They try to be satisfied with their life, but they constantly strive to improve it. You never know what to expect from them. They are contradictory and unpredictable.

Gemini - Many wishes

Twins constantly they yearn in a sense, they are torn between two sides of their personality. And sometimes their desires conflict. They want to find peace and stability and have unforgettable experiences. Because of this, they often put a lot of strain on themselves and take on too much work and responsibility when trying to realize their desires. They often behave selfishly, but in reality they are idealists.

Cancer - Defensive positions

It's cancer easy to challenge and this leads them to defensive behavior. They don't want to fight and try to solve the situation with humor, but they can't change how they feel. Their jokes can be indignant and cynical, and their comments petty and biting. Cancers express their pent-up emotions through passive aggression and try to defend themselves without showing their vulnerability.

Ian Dooley / Unsplash

Leo – Inner hunger

When Leos want something, they want it with all their heart and soul. They are passionate and they jump from one passion to another. They invest equally in everything, be it business ventures, hobbies or a relationship with a person they care about. They take everything very seriously and are ready to do their best to make their dreams come true. When they really want something, they don't give up. They don't want to give up on their desires and dreams, even if it makes them act crazy and stubborn, and that's one of their most attractive qualities.

Virgo – Sensitivity

Virgos live behind walls and shields because they actually are hypersensitive. They care about what others think of them and how they judge their worth. They are very sensitive to criticism as well as other people's needs. They do everything to stay on good terms with everyone they care about. They will do anything to help someone in trouble. Although they are sometimes paranoid and stubborn, their soft hearts make them very pleasant and compassionate.

Libra – Hidden fire

Libras seem cheerful, charming, relaxed, pleasant and even superficial for their own sake relaxed and positive approach to life. You are surprised when their fiery side is revealed, which includes stubbornness, persistence, or even fanatical behavior. No one would associate this with a friendly and pleasant Libra. Libras can burn out at their extremes, risking a complete loss of balance and constancy.

Scorpio - Intensity

They are Scorpions dangerous, do not offend them in any way and challenge his cruel sense of justice. Their true strength lies in their intensity of concentration and determination, because they take the world and everything around them very seriously. If they are trying to protect someone, they will do everything possible in a loving and friendly relationship. They are ready to do anything to make their people happy. They like to help others, even if they are not asked to do so.

You are always optimistic. Photo: Mike Austin/Unsplash

Sagittarius – Humor

Shooters they are not entertainers, their humor is cynical, cruel, even bizarre. They often don't know if a joke is appropriate or not, so they manage to offend and even hurt someone with their direct humor. But when they are safe, with people they know, they will be different, then you will laugh to tears in their company. Even the most brutal jokes and bizarre buildings will be funny to you.

Capricorn - Seriousness

Capricorns are honey the most sincere astrology signs. They are worried about everything because they take everything completely seriously. They think too much and try too hard, so they end up making things very complicated - even the simplest things. Lacking spontaneity, they will try to anticipate every bad outcome and make a bunch of backup plans, but when none of that works, they will be angry, confused, and stressed. With them, you will never get into a situation where you don't know what you are up to and what Capricorn wants and thinks. He will tell you this very clearly, he is ready to stand by his every word.

Aquarius - Determination

Aquarians live in their own world and it would seem that nothing interests them too much. They have a lot clear, strong and rigid concepts, regarding what is right and what is wrong. They are constantly trying to do something that is right. When you discover that under their indolence is hidden a strong self-confidence and a steel will to achieve what they have imagined and set themselves, you will be very surprised and you will begin to look at them with different eyes.

Pisces – A sense of drama

Because of their emotionality and sensitivity, Pisces are often distanced, when they are trying to protect themselves and don't like dramatization. But their sense of drama is very artistic, not tasteless, not "Hollywood", but refined. Pisces know how to play a part in your game, as if they wrote the script themselves, and they happily play a part in it. They make you feel deeply connected and you will easily believe her when she tells you that you are her soulmate.

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