
The importance of regeneration after exercise

Are you successful in fulfilling your New Year's resolutions this year? If you answered yes, let us first of all congratulate you. You have shown motivation and inner strength, which are necessary in achieving the set goals. Maybe your New Year's resolutions included regular exercise and recreation? Excellent! So you decided to do something good for your health, refresh your body and mind. Of course, it should be noted that just as important as the activity itself, the regeneration of the body that follows training - whether after running, cycling, tennis, aerobics or after training in the fitness center. Namely, we must always allow the body to quickly restore or regenerate after exercise, as this is the only way the next exercise will be as effective as possible.

During exercise, we bring the body into stressful situation, which means that we disrupt many balances: we lose a lot of water and electrolytes through sweating, the muscles are strained, especially if we exercise with weights, micro-damages occur on the muscle tissue ("muscle fiber"), and during movement we not only consume fats (which is otherwise completely desirable), but we also break it down proteins, which are key to those "sexy" muscles, which we so desire. And since of course we don't want to lose muscle or capacity for the next training session, we have to replace all of the above and thus allow the body proper regeneration.

READ MORE: Back in shape: tips and tricks to get you started exercising

Regeneration is necessary after exercise.
Regeneration is necessary after exercise.

Successful regeneration involves many metabolic and physiological processes, among the most important of which is food. This must provide the body with all the nutrients it needs in the right amounts at the right time optimal support for regeneration processes. The post-workout meal is so for the athlete the most important meal of the whole day. It is very important what this meal will be, how it will be composed. The meal should be like this right at hand and should contain food rich in simple carbohydrates. Instead of classic carbohydrates, we can reach for those that have more protein, such as quinoa, bulgur, buckwheat and spelt. We can afford protein meat, fish, eggs or cottage cheese. Let's not forget about fruits and nuts, and instead of bread, we can choose cheese.

If we have problems with our appetite after exercise, choose an excellent one rehydration or regeneration drink. This should contain both simple carbohydrates and high-quality proteins. Carbohydrates will provide the filling glycogen stores, and proteins for muscle recovery and growth. In addition to energy, it is necessary immediately after exercise replace lost water and electrolytes. It is important to remember that in the first three hours after exercise, we should not be hungry or thirsty, as this would mean increased regeneration time and danger weakening of the immune system.

You can also treat yourself to a regeneration drink.
You can also treat yourself to a regeneration drink.

And don't forget:

The body must be provided throughout the day all relevant nutrients, i.e. both liquid (water), carbohydrates and proteins as well as healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Only in this way will we be on the right and good path to the desired goal.

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