
Improvisation 2011

The last few excesses of kitsch organized by the Narobov collective during the Eurovision Song Contest were sold out to the last seat, which did not change even when the event moved from KUD France Prešeren to Cankarjev dom. This year, too, we will be looking for entry to the theatrical-musical parody of kitsch with glamorous presenters, ...

Important information
Linhart hall of Cankarjev dom, Prešernova 18, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

The last few excesses of kitsch organized by the Narobov collective during the Eurovision Song Contest were sold out to the last seat, which did not change even when the event moved from KUD France Prešeren to Cankarjev dom. This year, too, we will be looking to enter the theatrical-musical parody of kitsch with glamorous presenters, spontaneous singers and behind-the-scenes drama.

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