
In 2020, don't be with those who are not your priority!

In 2020, don't be with those who don't know how to say sorry and forgive.

Don't be with those who make you feel confused and insecure.

Don't be with those who wouldn't turn their world upside down for you just to be with you.

Don't be with those who can't find time for you in their schedule.

In 2020, don't be with those who don't know how to communicate and ignore you.

Don't be with those who keep you waiting for hours to reply to your message.

Don't be with those who can't find time for you in their schedule.
Don't be with those who can't find time for you in their schedule.

Don't be with those who cancel plans at the last minute, without an excuse.

Don't be with those who are only with you when they have time and don't respect your time.

Don't be with those who only want to be with you on their terms.

Don't be with those who expect you to always be there for them and they won't be there for you.

In 2020, don't be with those who don't know how to say sorry and forgive.

In 2020, don't be with those who don't know how to say sorry and forgive.
In 2020, don't be with those who don't know how to say sorry and forgive.

Don't be with those who take your attention and kindness for granted.

Don't be with those who only have you as a backup.

Don't be with those who keep telling you they want to be with you but don't actually show it.

Don't be with those who constantly make excuses about how busy they are, even though you know it's not true.

In 2020, don't be with those who make you feel that love is one-sided.

In 2020, don't be with those who make you feel that love is one-sided.
In 2020, don't be with those who make you feel that love is one-sided.

Don't be with those who take love as a game.

Don't be with those who manipulate your feelings while they are with others.

Don't be with those who only follow themselves and forget you.

Don't be with those you don't mean enough to build a relationship with.

In 2020, don't be with those who are full of excuses.

Don't be with those who take love as a game.
Don't be with those who take love as a game.

Don't be with those who make you feel unworthy.

Don't be with those who want to convince you that they are your only option.

Don't be with those who make you feel like you are a burden to them.

Don't be with those who make you feel like you're not important enough to text, kiss, or call you.

Don't be with those who make you feel like your feelings don't matter. Don't waste your time on the wrong people because nothing you do for them will change them.

Don't be with those who make you feel like you are a burden to them.
Don't be with those who make you feel like you are a burden to them.

In 2020, don't be with those who haven't proven to you that they belong in your heart - it's better to be alone than to fall in love and love the wrong heart.

Remember that you are worthy - because you deserve much, much more than what you had in 2019. Love yourself!

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