
They are lucky in love: why are the stars most favorable to these six astrological signs?

We all have people around us (or have even experienced it ourselves) who chose a partner who did not suit them or was not a good choice for them. Also, on the other side, we have those who have kind, attentive, respectful partners.

Some astrological signs are particularly lucky in love, according to astrologers. And these are the signs that the stars in the field of romance and partnership are particularly favorable to.


Although Capricorns are known for being cautious, they seem to have a sixth sense for love. They study people and are quick to tell the difference between a pretender and a real person. Capricorns also have a "kinky" sense of humor, so they want their partner to have it too. They want someone who will be with them when times are hard, someone who will make them laugh and with whom they can spend quality time. When Capricorn chooses, they choose wisely!


Romance and love are at the top of a Pisces' list of priorities. Here, they rely on their instinct, which inevitably tells them who will return their love. This sign is very intuitive and sees into the depth of others. When Pisces trust their inner voice, they know how to choose the perfect partner for themselves. But if they ignore it and listen to the advice of others, they can make a fatal mistake.

Romance and love are at the top of a Pisces' list of priorities.
Romance and love are at the top of a Pisces' list of priorities.

A virgin

Virgos have great taste when it comes to partners, but not because they're lucky. They are constantly working on their skills, which enable them to find the perfect person for themselves. Virgos are sensitive, smart and learn from their mistakes. They follow the heart and the facts, so they can notice many things that others would miss. For those of you who are already in a relationship with a Virgo, you may not/didn't realize that you had a trial period to begin with, because this sign will only relax and fully commit to you when it finds everything it's looking for in you.


Taurus also have very good taste when it comes to partners. They know how to read people well, so even after the first meeting, they will study all the negative and positive sides of a person, with which they will decide whether the next meeting will take place. Bulls don't do anything by halves and when they make a commitment, they are sure that they have made the right decision. They are not looking for perfection, but they want the "whole package".

Taurus is looking for the "whole package".
Taurus is looking for the "whole package".


For Cancer, love and family are the most important, so he is careful when choosing a partner. He relies on his intuition to guide him to the right person. Partners of this sign will need to be compassionate, creative and careful, because Cancer will never waste time on someone who is not fantastic. They are often convinced that even their ex-partners are phenomenal, so they often stay in touch with them. When you're in a relationship with a Cancer, expect him to give his all.


Aquarius may not be the most emotional sign of the horoscope, but it is one of the more intelligent, so it often knows how to choose a partner that will suit it. Some Aquarians start a serious relationship very soon after meeting a person. Their partner should be fun, pleasant, interesting, creative and curious.

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