
An altar dedicated to Björk at MoMI

Björk, the Icelandic singer and artist, synonymous with creativity and innovation, will take New York by storm in 2015. The Museum of Modern Art will present a retrospective of her extraordinary career, an exhibition that will surely be a must-stop for art lovers and an altar where fans from all over the world will come to worship her.

Björk, an Icelandic composer, an avant-garde fashion icon, a beauty of unusual appearance with a voice that reveals unheard tones and an extremely talented multidisciplinary artist, will from March 7 to June 7, 2015 the main attraction of New York.

In the megalomaniacal retrospective exhibition in MOMI will present an overview of her more than 20-year career in the field of music, film, visuals, instruments, objects, performances and costumes.
Will the famous swan dress worn by Björk at the Oscars in 2001 also be on display? Or a harp that defies the forces of gravity and is a work of art that deserves an exhibition space in itself? Will they play controversial music videos that have been banned in many places?

Detailed information is not yet known, but an interesting exhibition is certainly promising, which will allow visitors to directly experience and immerse themselves in her film and music works, as 3D designers will also participate in the exhibition's setting.

As an artist who is appreciated by critics all over the world, there was much anticipation and excitement at the news that Björk will present a new art installation at the exhibition, a mixture of biography and fiction, accompanied by a text written in collaboration with an Icelandic writer Sjon Sigurdsson.

If a historically important exhibition in the center of contemporary art of Western society is not enough, Björk, as the only app creator, can also boast that her app has become part of the museum's collection. Indeed, MoMA was the first app to buy her Biophilia, a hybrid between an app and an album released in 2013.

Via New York, that is!

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