
Cars buried in Naples 'tomb' instead of people

Tomb of cars

If you ever go to Naples, you can see an interesting 'tomb' 45 meters underground, where you will not be greeted by tombstones and skeletons, but by more than 60-year-old cars that were sealed after the Second World War and rediscovered only some time ago.

In Naples is located underground an unusual tomb or you bourbon tunnel. There they are before more than 60 years went to eternal rest many cars. Instead of skeletons, you will find them there from the ravages of time, the bodywork old cars, as well as motorcycles and scooters that were 'born' in the forties and fifties of the 20th century.

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In the Naples underground corridors, time stood still in the middle of the 20th century.
In the Naples underground corridors, time stood still in the middle of the 20th century.

Multi-level underground spaces had it built in 1853 Ferdinand II., an unpopular monarch who feared revolution, and would allow him and his subjects safe passage from the palace to military facilities. There was never a revolution, but years passed 1930 city authorities decided to never complete underground corridors are used to store confiscated and illegally acquired vehicles. Last but not least was Naples mafia city. In the 1950s, the rooms were sealed with vehicles, but geologists discovered them again by chance only in 2005. Since then, the premises have become museum. At the same time, it should be added that the premises remained intact despite the fact that Naples was one of the most bombed cities during World War II (it experienced around 380 air raids).

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