
In the company of the curator: THE POTTERY AGE

You will hang out with dr. Peter the Turks, Kostos for Prehistory Prehistory is usually framed by the Stone, Copper, Bronze and Iron Ages. It could also be done differently. From the Younger Stone Age onwards, pottery is by far the most numerous archaeological find. The time between...

Important information
NMS, Prešernova 20 (entrance from Muzejska Street), Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
A conversation with a museum expert is free (admission to the museum is charged according to the price list).

You will hang out with dr. Peter Turk, curator of prehistory

Prehistory is usually framed by the Stone, Copper, Bronze and Iron Ages. It could also be done differently. From the Younger Stone Age onwards, pottery is by far the most numerous archaeological find.

The time between the 5th and 1st millennium BC. n. no. so it could also be called the Pottery Age. What are the characteristics of pottery finds from their earliest appearance in Slovenia to the ancient period? What are their shapes, how do they differ to the touch? How is it that even the oldest pottery from Slovenia is technologically demanding and diverse in design?

Visitors will be able to get answers to these and similar questions in the company of curator dr. Peter the Turks. They will also be able to examine the displayed pottery finds more closely and take them in their hands.

About the program In company with the curator:

The program In the company of a curator is intended for visitors who are drawn to our premises by curiosity. Every Thursday between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m., you will be greeted by a museum expert in the exhibition rooms, who will reveal many interesting things that are not written on the exhibition boards.
With the In the company of a curator program, we want to bring museum activities especially closer to the elderly, who are very curious and want to broaden their horizons. The program is not intended only for one-sided imparting of knowledge, but rather for the exchange of the professional behavior of the curator and the life experiences of the visitors.

A conversation with a museum expert is free of charge (the entrance fee to the museum is charged according to the price list), but for the elderly, pupils and students, we offer tickets to the National Museum of Slovenia at a reduced price of 2.5 euros, which can be used for multiple visits to the program in the current month.

We look forward to chatting with you!

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