
In the New Year 2020, stop it and shine!

We hope that in the new year you stop doing that and be YOU! That's how you are the best!

The new year is a time for change and new beginnings. Get ready to let miracles into your life.

... be afraid and go after what you want, even if you're scared and would rather hide under the covers.
... to meet the past, don't let it hinder you in the present.
… hate and correct your flaws.
... compare with others and start comparing yourself with the person you were yesterday!
… wake up miserable and find that something that makes you want to get out of bed in the morning.

Stop dwelling on the past, don't let it hinder you in the present.
Stop dwelling on the past, don't let it hinder you in the present.

… run from love and let it find you.
… doing something that doesn't make you happy.
... think that you never have time and learn to appreciate every moment.
… to live up to others' expectations of how we should live our lives. It's only yours!
... only make others happy and start making yourself happy.
…. walk the path someone else chose and go for your dreams, no matter how crazy they are.
… lie to yourself.
… thinking about the ex coming back. It won't. If I wanted to, I would.

Stop making other people happy and start making yourself happy.
Stop making other people happy and start making yourself happy.

Allow yourself…
... looking at your reflection in the mirror with the admiration it deserves.
… quit a job you hate.
... leave people who don't appreciate you and start surrounding yourself with people who will make your life better, more complete.
... to end a partnership that leads nowhere.

STOP hiding. Step out of your shadow. Shine in all your glory. Don't be someone else. Just stop! Be YOU, you are the best!

With you since 2004

From 2004 we research urban trends and inform our community of followers daily about the latest in lifestyle, travel, style and products that inspire with passion. From 2023, we offer content in major global languages.