
In the solitude of the cotton fields

The presence of Bernard Maria Koltes in our theater space is no coincidence, as he was passionately adapted by director Ivica Buljan in previous theater seasons. The work In the Solitude of the Cotton Fields remains a black pearl for the director, which is why he invited his most important actors to the Slovenian creation...

Important information
Hall B – Talum, Tovarniška 10, Kidričevo
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 7 to 10 euros

The presence of Bernard Maria Koltes in our theater space is no coincidence, as he was passionately adapted by director Ivica Buljan in previous theater seasons. The work In the solitude of the cotton fields remains a black pearl for the director, which is why he invited his most important actors Robert Waltl and Marko Mandić to the Slovenian creation. Through their interpretation, in the environment of a huge factory hall in Kidričevo, we will get involved in a dialogue between Dealer and Buyer. As we can imagine the dialogue on stage, it does not remain just a dialogue, because Koltes uses words in a metaphorical way to narrate the current history, which is built on trade or libidinal economy. Before us, two actors build a world where trading and negotiation consists of capricious desires, irrational impulses and the pursuit of beauty, passion,... The mysterious "edge" will not go unnoticed, even thanks to four strong producers. 

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