The popularity of credit cards, which have already become part of our everyday life, is growing rapidly. Despite the fact that they impress with their convenience, in some situations it is better to avoid them. When should we not use a credit card for payment?
In which 9 cases do we strongly advise against using a credit card as a means of payment?
1. When the web page address does not start with “HTTPS”.
"HTTPS" is a protocol for secure communication over a computer network. It is used to confirm the authenticity of the website and protect personal data. When a website address starts with “HTTPS”, you can be sure that it is safe and suitable for payment. If the link is preceded by "HTTP", we recommend that you make the purchase through a payment system such as PayPal.
When responding to email.
It is better to give your credit card number by phone call or text than by email. Thieves use a special technique that allows them to use your credit card for unauthorized payment in such cases.
When you get stopped on the street by charity fundraisers.
People who collect donations for various purposes are seen especially in larger cities. There is nothing wrong with them taking down your name and contact information. However, it is necessary to be careful when you are asked for your credit card information. If you have not heard of the charity before, we recommend that you first check who you are dealing with.
When you talk on the phone.
Try to avoid communicating information even during a phone call. You never know who you're talking to, who's eavesdropping, or what will happen to your credit card when you hang up the phone.
When you can't find dealer information online.
Before you make a purchase online, find out about the experiences of other consumers with the merchant. If you cannot find the information, we advise you to leave the website. The same applies to shopping in physical stores.
When the merchant does not complete the transaction in front of your eyes.
This scenario often occurs in restaurants and bars, especially abroad. When an employee does not make a payment with your credit card in front of your eyes, there is a chance that they will take a photo or write down confidential information on a piece of paper.
When you buy something you can't afford.
Credit cards do allow for short-term borrowing, but that doesn't mean you can afford everything with their help. Use this option only if you are sure that you will be able to pay off the debt at the end of the month.
While shopping online while connected to a public wireless network.
A public wireless network and a wireless connection that is not password protected do not offer privacy to people. All personal information, including credit card information, is accessible to anyone who manages to break into the network.
When you shop on a public computer.
Computers for public use are not to be trusted, as they often record the user's activity. They may also contain software designed to steal data.