
A man born in this astrological sign will love you for the rest of his life!

If you are one of the lucky ones who has a partner born in this astrological sign, be aware of this and take care of him!

It is one of the nicest men out there and a real joy to be in a relationship with. He is always ready to do for his dear something more. When he chooses a partner or accepts an invitation for a date, that will be it 100% dedicated. He knows how to pamper his partner and he will did everything to please her. His loyalty, dedication and care are what make him a very good husband and father.

He is a great father.
He is a great father.

It's much deeper than you might think. He often thinks about serious things and won't always say what's on his mind. You will peel away the layers of his soul for a long time, because he needs to know that he can trust you. And when you need it, it will be shared with you my deepest thoughts and my deepest feelings.

He wishes he could always took care of you, my family. He will always be like a father participated in family conversations, because he wants to know what is going on (and whether it directly involves him or not). He is practical and rarely spends unnecessarily.

He will confide in you his deepest thoughts, his deepest feelings.
He will confide in you his deepest thoughts, his deepest feelings.

TO THE BULL you just can't resist! What kind of woman is the bull most attracted to? A woman who will show him that she is interested, a woman who is patient. A kind, gentle woman who will not resist bed games. A woman who will look into his eyes, gently touch his hand and guide him through life. This way, she will win the love of the bull for life!

Do you have it with you?

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