
In three months to a perfect figure for the summer

BTC Challenge

Although we have only just stepped into spring, many people are already counting down the days until summer. In March, for the second year in a row, the unique Millenium Izziv campaign started in BTC City Ljubljana. The four challengers spend three months under the expert guidance of the four trainers at the Millenium Sports Center and the Fitness Clinic in Atlantis preparing for an active entry into the summer. In parallel with the program, a prize game "Beat the challenger" is held weekly.

This is the second time the campaign is taking place in BTC City Ljubljana Millennium Challenge, in which a quartet of challengers, including an actress Ana Dolinar Hribar, for three months under the watchful eye of four trainers in the Millenium Sports Center and the Fitness Clinic in the Water City of Atlantis, they are preparing for an active and healthy entry into summer. Parallel to the program, it also takes place weekly sweepstakes Beat the Challenger, in which website visitors can be btc-city.com/challenge win attractive prizes.

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The Millennium Challenge is a comprehensive program. Although it only lasts three months, is his purpose permanent lifestyle change of participants. Each challenger this year (Ana Dolinar Horvat, Barbara Zalar, Matic Marolt and Primož Erjavec) therefore set a personal goal before the start of the program: shape up, reduce body weight or gain muscle mass. The training program runs from March to June, namely on average 5 times a week. They are preparing it Matej Bunderla, Vid Koblar, Urška Dolinšek and Damjan Verhovc, who are also in charge of the corresponding menus. A big focus of the campaign is also on adequate nutrition, and during this time the challengers also learn about the right choice of foods and how to prepare them. Organic shop Vita Care and she handed them baskets of organic products. The chosen pair of challenger and trainer demonstrates the performance of one exercise per week, which anyone can perform at home and thereby make sure that they can outwit the participant of the Millennium Challenge. Weekly tests are published on the website btc-city.com/challenge. After the end of the campaign, the participants will take measurements and compare the results with the results from the beginning of the program. You can follow them via Facebook (#MilleniumChallenge).

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