
In which position is it most difficult for women to climax?

Photo: Dainis Graveris / Unsplash

Some sexual positions are not the most popular among the fairer sex. Did you know that most women don't like the 69 position? And that women think differently than men?

More than 1,200 readers of the Women's Health magazine took part in a survey in which they were assessed which are the worst sexual positions for them and in which they rarely experience climax.

Let's see which five are the least popular.

1. Doggy position

Women said that intercourse in this position was too painful. The reason is that the penetration between them is too deep, which is often a disadvantage rather than an advantage. They also said that it does not provide enough intimacy. To prevent painful intercourse, penetration should be shallow, not deep.

Men increase intimacy. Run your hands through her hair. Touch her back, kiss her neck.

2. Position of the rider

This pose has been considered bad due to insecurity and is only popular with very confident women. Women often worry about their appearance, which makes it difficult for them to relax and enjoy a relationship. As a result, they do not reach orgasm.

Make sex a mutual pleasure. Photo: Valeria Boltneva / Pexels

3. Reverse jean

At first glance, this is an adventurous position, but in reality it is not the most popular. In this position, it is difficult to work with the hips due to the inverted position. Because the male member and the vagina do not meet at an angle that would ensure maximum pleasure. Any time a man's limb bends too low, it can be painful and uncomfortable for both of them.

4. Missionary position

In this position, it is more difficult for women to climax, especially if the man is not endowed. If you want to improve it, place a small pillow under your partner's pelvis. Thus, the hips will be raised and the penetration will be deeper.

5. Position 69

Women have concluded that in this position, they can hardly ever focus on their pleasure if they are down. It is difficult to focus on receiving and satisfying your partner at the same time.

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