
Incredible evidence that Japan is definitely not like the rest of the world

Incredible evidence that Japan is definitely not the same as the rest of the world.

The coast of East Asia is adorned by probably the most interesting archipelago country, whose inhabitants are considered to be the most culturally aware in the world. Their innovations and customs may seem strange to us, but this vibrant and proud nation can certainly show the nations of the world what invention, imagination, respect and family mean.

V the western world they are Japanese synonymous with inventions, as they are considered very imaginative, maybe even silly people who almost every transfer the idea to the real world. Futuristic toilets, cars, food, drink, homes... the list is very long and will go on according to the trends, probably also increased. But if we put their technological power on side track, others will certainly come to the fore very important things, which mean to the Japanese much more than we think. These are cultural practices, which make Japan 'so Japanese'.

V picture gallery we collected the most interesting practices in Japan, which prove that we still have a lot to learn.

Image gallery - Japan

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