

Publisher: Mestne revje, zalozništvo doo, Šmartinska 106 1000 Ljubljana Tel.: 01/ 600 55 70 Fax: 01/ 600 55 79 E-mail: info@citymagazine.si ...


Municipal magazines, publishing house doo,

Šmartinska 106
1000 Ljubljana

Tel.: 01/ 600 55 70
Fax: 01/ 600 55 79

Email: info@citymagazine.si

Janja Prijatelj

Phone: 01/ 600 55 77


Chief and responsible editor:

Helena Peterlin

Phone: +386 1 600 55 70
Mobile: 040 474 008


Distribution manager:
Sašo Marković

Mobile: 040 474 009


The company Mestne Revije doo is a company founded in 2004 as a publisher that publishes the free magazine City magazine, City magazine Limited, City magazine Gourmet and creates an online portal www.citymagazine.si. Mestne revje doo is owned by the Belgian publishing house Roularta Media Group in 100%.

Magazine City Magazine is a free urban magazine for the modern lifestyle. The first issue of City magazine in Slovenia was published on October 24, 2004. City magazine is part of the international network of free urban magazines owned by the Belgian publishing house Roularta Media Group (www.roularta.be), which with forty (40) regional editions is present on the markets of Belgium, the Netherlands and France, and since 2008 also in Zagreb and Belgrade.




roularta media group

With you since 2004

From 2004 we research urban trends and inform our community of followers daily about the latest in lifestyle, travel, style and products that inspire with passion. From 2023, we offer content in major global languages.