
Infographic: How long it takes to read the most popular books in the world

It has happened to all of us that we barely got to the last page of a book, or we even gave up in the middle. And it is no coincidence that these are usually those books that have more than 300 pages. So that next time you know how long it will take you from start to finish, we present you an infographic that shows how long it takes to read the most popular books in the world.

A California company Personal Creations, which sells gifts, has created an infographic that shows how long it takes us to read the most popular books in the world. They included in the infographic 64 books: from Sophocles' Antigone to the works of Shakespeare, Paulo Coelho, Jane Austen, Dostoyevsky and more modern classics such as Harry Potter and Game of Thrones. The time calculation was based on an assumption average human reading speed: 300 words per minute.

READ MORE: Haruki Murakami with the new book "The Strange Library" in December

Before reading the next book, check below how long you will be locked in a room!

Infographic by Personal Creations.
Infographic by Personal Creations.

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