
Infographic: how to be likable?

How to be likable?

There are those who are attractive, likable and naturally content. But there are also those here who have to learn this valued skill, which requires quite a bit of time and effort. For those of you who have no idea how to be likable and where to start, we have prepared some useful tips that will surely help you improve your likability for 200 %.

Bottom list includes advice, which refer to: developing a positive mental state an individual; the knowledge of allowing oneself to be seen, understood, accepted and felt; and, among other things, an explanation, how to listen to someone attentively and with an open mind. The above can help you a lot in your personal and business success.

How to be likable?

  1. Keep an open mind.

  2. Smile when you talk to others.

  3. Know that it is not necessary to express all your thoughts.

  4. Develop a positive attitude towards all things and let others feel and notice it.

  5. Always express yourself and speak with careful discipline. Keep your tone of voice friendly.

  6. Pay attention to who you are talking to.

  7. Keep calm blood in any case.

  8. Be patient.

  9. Be decisive.

  10. Do at least one good deed a day.

  11. Realize that mistakes and failures are just lessons to be learned in life.

  12. Act as if the person you are talking to is the most important person in the world.

  13. Learn to praise those close to you, but be careful not to overdo it.

  14. Love yourself!

READ MORE: 8 ways to strengthen your memory

Infographic: How to be likable?
Infographic: How to be likable?

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