
Infographic: The Shortest History of Computer Evolution

The computer turned out to be quite a cute and useful invention, didn't it? We present to you an infograph, the shortest possible history of a device that has profoundly influenced the design of our everyday life.

According to the initial predictions of experts in the field of computing (Thomas Watson, president of IBM, 1943), there is said to be room (and, of course, money) on the world market for a maximum of five computers. The concept of the computer is thus one of the biggest innovation explosions that significantly influenced the design of the world in which we live. The fact that we are currently reading this article on a thin screen, tablet or mobile phone was unimaginable at the beginning of computer development. After reviewing the interesting infographic, which was created by ebuyer.com, but we note that it was actually not that long ago. Let's see what the original computers looked like, which would be difficult to fit in our bags.

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From a device that took up an entire garage to a mini device for your purse
From a device that took up an entire garage to a mini device for your purse

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