

The stories, interventions, tactics and concepts of social realities conceived and executed by new media artist Paolo Cirio can be experienced together for the first time in a large-scale solo exhibition. The core of the exhibition is the opus of new media projects created by the artist in the second half of 2010, including Face-to-Facebook, P2P ...

Important information
Aksioma, Neubergerjeva 25, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free

Zgodbe, intervencije, taktike in koncepti družbenih realnosti, ki jih je zasnoval in izvedel novomedijski umetnik Paolo Cirio, lahko prvič doživimo skupaj na obsežni samostojni razstavi. Jedro razstave je opus novomedijskih projektov, ki jih je umetnik ustvaril v drugi polovici leta 2010, vključno s Face-to-Facebook, P2P Credit Cards – Gift Finance in Drowning Prosperously, ki jih bodo dopolnile druge novejše produkcije, kot so The Big Plot, Open Society Structures in People Quote People. 

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