

The twenty-three-year-old Romanian singer Elena Alexandra Apostoleanu, stage name Inna, is coming to the coast. With her musical debut, the hit song Hot, she went down in the history of dance music in her homeland and within a few months won the first places on the music charts in Europe. She is this year's winner of the MTV award...

Important information
Planet Tuš, Ankaranska cesta 2, Koper
Facebook event
Entrance fee
15 euros.

Na obalo prihaja triindvajsetletna romunska pevka Elena Alexandra Apostoleanu z umetniškim imenom Inna. S svojim glasbenim prvencem, uspešnico Hot, se je zapisala v zgodovino dance glasbe v svoji domovini in v nekaj mesecih osvojila prva mesta na glasbenih lestvicah po Evropi. Je letošnja dobitnica nagrade MTV European Music Award. Poleg Inne nas bodo še dolgo v noč zabavali didžeji Eric Navarro, Lukkas in Sid Templer.

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