
Signs against the use of social networks in the style of anti-smoking

An "anti-social" campaign on social networks.

Similar to how countries tackled tobacco products and in their anti-smoking legislation required tobacco product manufacturers to equip cigarette boxes with anti-smoking signs (some also require explicit photos) - on cigarette boxes in our country we find signs such as Smokers die younger, Smoking kills , Smoking causes cancer -, Salvo Glinsky took to social networks, which he says are the new cigarettes, because we are as addicted to them as we were to smoking 50 years ago.

Social networks are the new cigarettes. At least that's what the Polish artist thinks Salvo Glinsky, who designed an "anti-social" campaign, a campaign that in the style of anti-smoking warns on the harmfulness of social networks. Inscriptions appear between posts on Facebook and other social networks, where, among other things, you may receive a warning such as "Facebook can ruin your relationship".

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They would have signs modeled on anti-smoking signs on cigarette packs, such as ”The news on Facebook is full of irrelevant facts, fake sensations and photos of children”, what impact on your use of social networks?

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