
Instagram now also as an online store!

Instagram now also as an online store.

With its latest upgrade, Instagram is sure to impress everyone who spends hours on this popular social network raving about makeup products they wish they could own. Now it will be much easier, as it introduces the ``shop now'' function, with which we will be able to buy a specific product right through the application. Instagram is thus becoming an online store and a new sales channel for various brands.

Instagram it will no longer be mere virtual storefront. It is becoming a popular social network online shop. Initially, it will allow the sale of its products to only 20 brands, among which we find names such as Michael Kors, Tory Burch, Abercrombie & Fitch and Levi's. These will soon allow you to use your photos mark up to five products (there will be a button on the left side of the photo tap to view or click to view which will reveal items on sale) that can be purchased online. By clicking on the marked product, we will learn more about him (price and other useful information), click on the button shop now and will redirect us to the manufacturer's online store.

READ MORE: Facebook Marketplace - Flea is getting tough competition

Instagram is becoming an online store.
Instagram is becoming an online store.

With function shop now Instagram wants to give users the ability to no more switching between apps, if they want to know more about the products. Initially, it will only be available to a handful of users iOS in the US, and later Instagram is expected to expand its activity in the rest of the world as well.

You can see how buying via Instagram works in practice in the video below:

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