
Instagram is rolling out one-second videos with the Boomerang app

Instagram has announced Boomerang, a new app for making 1-second videos that will change the world of gif creation forever and bring the popular social network even closer to its users. Not to mention that it will once again successfully sweep the competition, which (for now) is trying in vain to be more innovative.

Instagram he announced Boomerang, a fun app to craft with short videos, which can then be shared on Instagram and Facebook. And really short ones, because they last just a second. As the app's name reveals, it's all about snapshots with a boomerang effect, played back and forth, allowing users to create fun motion displays.

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Boomerang's interface is with two control buttons extremely user-friendly. The first one is used to take pictures, the second is used to select the front or back lens of the camera. Once we create the desired video, Ms share on any social network (they are currently well received by Instagram and Facebook, but problems have been noted with Twitter). You could say that the Boomerang app is a simplified version of the app Phhhoto, which offers a few more video editing and sharing options compared to Instagram's latest acquisition. The Boomerang app is available for devices with iOS and Android.

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