
Instant - an application that tells you how much time you use your smartphone per day

Instant application

Most of us use our smartphone a lot every day, but only a few of us know how much time we actually use it. The Instant app gives you insight into exactly this information and much more. It's available for iOS and Android devices and provides you with a number of statistics, from how many hours you've spent on your phone in total to how much time you spent on each app. Be prepared for a shock! Sending messages, visiting Twitter, Facebook, etc., looking at the time, all of these add up to a huge amount of time. But how much really?

Instant is an app that will give many a headache. He tells you how much time per day you use your smartphone. Seemingly innocent, right? Because we all know that we use it a lot, or significantly too much. The average user uses his phone daily 3 hours and 16 minutes, which amounts to almost a whole day in a week, but as long as these are just some general estimates/statistics, we just smile at these data, saying, not me. From now on, you may not be able to laugh when you are presented with the exact time you punch on your smartphone and on individual applications and number, how many times have you looked at it and started drooling over it.

And although it's kind of ironic that these bad vices, i.e. excessive use of the phone and the application, tackle it with the same poison, i.e. the phone and the application, it will probably hold here as well, that the wedge will collide with the wedge.

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With the Instant application, you can not only monitor smartphone usage time and individual applications and you have an overview of all your daily smartphone activities (time-determined), but you also have a superficial insight into your daily activity, such as number of steps, total exercise time, travel time and the time you spent in a particular location. On top of that, the app has web interface, so that you can also control yourself on any other device.

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