
Instead of AirPods wireless headphones, toothbrushes were put to the test!

A toothbrush instead of AirPods.

After the presentation of the new iPhone, Apple received a lot of criticism for the iPhone 7 model. Some will say that it is justified, while others will say that there is always dust behind a good horse. Anyway. The fact is that many people are furious that they removed the headphone jack and introduced wireless AirPods at a rather salty price. These quickly became the target of ridicule. After popular host Jimmy Kimmel found out if iPhone users even recognize their own phone -- turns out they don't -- Julius Dein treated people to Apple's new headphones. Instead of real ones, he used toothbrushes as a test. People were excited.

How can one change toothbrushes for headphones? Obviously, this is also possible, because Julius Dein and his friend to random passers-by - Dein introduced himself to them as Apple employee – offered two at a festival for testing purposes small toothbrushes under the pretext that they are new AirPods wireless headphones. Although you would expect that no one would fall for Julius, even the biggest doubters ended up sticking a brush in their ears.

READ MORE: This is how Steve Jobs would explain why Apple removed the headphone jack

People believed toothbrushes were Apple's new headphones.
People believed toothbrushes were Apple's new headphones.

More. Straight up they were impressed with the sound quality. But then they realized that a boy was standing right behind them with two speakers and that they actually have brushes in their ears and not "revolutionary" AirPods.

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