
7 interesting things that should be tried between the sheets while you're still fit enough!

They take every opportunity they get to experiment. You know, life is too short, and you won't be fit forever either!

It's always worth trying something new, interesting, different... This way you show each other that you do they trust each other that they are committed ... This way they strengthen the relationship, and sex life does not become boring! What 7 things should you try while you're still fit? You know, at 90, it will be a bit difficult. 🙂

In the back seat of the car

Here you will have to experiment a bit to find a position that suits both of you. They spontaneously drive to a hidden place, where they indulge in the pleasures of the car. This can be very exciting!

It can be very exciting in the back seat of a car!
It can be very exciting in the back seat of a car!


This is a pose for the flexible! The woman should lie on her back (as if preparing for a missionary position) and then stretch her legs into the air. The man goes up on his hands and lies on top of her, then penetrates in a push-up fashion.

Setting the record straight

It goes something like this: you stay in bed all day and indulge your passions until exhaustion! Will the record be broken?

Will the record be broken?
Will the record be broken?

A helicopter

Are you athletes? Then you will enjoy this pose very much. The woman lies on her stomach and grabs the man's feet while he is "landing on the heliport". The man lies on top of the woman in the opposite direction. Grab her by the feet. He arches his back a bit and enters her from the top/behind.

From point A to point B

While surrendering to your passions, change several locations: try on the kitchen chair, on the carpet in the living room, on the office chair, and in the shower... You will need a little more fitness, but it's worth it.

In water

Swimming pool, jacuzzi, large bathtub, sea... No matter how many degrees the water is, you will be really hot!

No matter how many degrees the water is, you will be really hot!
No matter how many degrees the water is, you will be really hot!

Next, please!

But they usually change 3 positions during one sexual intercourse? Then set yourself a new task: try to process at least 10 of them. Different ones, of course!

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